April 2018

Faced with steep prices, buyers look to emerging East Bay neighborhoods

From Berkeleyside
As home prices continue to soar in the East Bay, and many would-be home buyers find themselves priced out of the market, real estate agents say buying in up-and-coming neighborhoods is one way to find relatively affordable homes. Buying in an emerging neighborhood has long been a strategy for coping with high home prices, not to mention eventually making a tidy sum off the investment. The trick is making the right call, so you can find the right place and enjoy the area as it improves, without ending up stuck in... View article
March 2018

Schaaf holds groundbreaking for Fruitvale affordable housing project

OAKLAND (BCN)– Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf and other officials participated in a groundbreaking ceremony today for a new 94-unit affordable housing development in the Fruitvale Transit Village. The development, which is expected to be completed next year, is being built on a city-owned BART parking lot only steps away from the Fruitvale BART station, a major AC Transit hub and the planned Bus Rapid Transit line. Schaaf said, “This day is deeply personal” because she has worked with others for many years to bring the project to fruition.... View article
February 2018

EBALDC’s Winter Newsletter is Here!

Welcome to EBALDC’s New Quarterly Newsletter! A Note from EBALDC’s Leadership Between 2010 and 2016, the Bay Area added 500,000 jobs, but only 50,000 housing units.  With a large influx of people moving to the region, hundreds of thousands of people were priced out of the region and thousands became homeless. This displacement of long-time residents is being repeated in cities all over the country, as people who once chose the suburbs are now choosing cities. In the Bay Area, we do not have the capacity to build fast enough to keep up with increased... View article
November 2017

Transit-Oriented Developments Underway in Oakland

From Oakland Post
The BART Board adopted a bold policy in June 2016 to encourage Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) on lands owned by BART. Creating mixed use, commercial or housing developments at BART represents a smart strategy that improves the region’s quality of life, economy, and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Living and working near BART represents access to opportunity. The Bay Area’s imbalance between burgeoning job growth and stagnant housing supply has resulted in skyrocketing housing costs and the displacement of workers who cannot afford to live near the job centers.... View article
September 2017

Building on What Works: Cross Sector Community Development – Volume 12, Issue 1

From Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
This year marks the fifth anniversary of Investing in What Works for America’s Communities: Essays on People, Place & Purpose, a book jointly published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) in 2012. What Works brought together over forty authors from across sectors and disciplines to explore the past, present, and future of community development. Despite their varied expertise and backgrounds, many of the authors made similar calls to action for cross-sector approaches that focus on the integration of both people- and place-based interventions. What Works gave rise... View article
July 2017

Bites: Chick’n Rice coming to Berkeley, Swan’s Market turns 100, Duende deal

From Berkeleyside
Speaking of birthdays, Old Oakland’s historic marketplace, affordable living space and food lover’s paradise Swan’s Market is on the brink of celebrating a big one — 100 years! The East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation, the group that spearheaded the redevelopment of Swan’s Market in the late ’90s and established Swan’s as a gourmet restaurant hall in 2012 with the addition of eateries like Cosecha, B-Dama and Miss Ollie’s, will host two days of free community events this weekend to commemorate its centennial. On Friday, July 21, the weekend shindig kicks... View article
July 2017

Opinion: In Oakland, people can’t find a place to call home

From East Bay Times
When my organization teamed up with the Oakland Housing Authority to develop our latest affordable housing complex, we knew there would be a lot of interest. In the face of soaring housing costs, the Bay Area has a well-documented shortage of affordable homes. True to our expectations, applications poured in for the new Prosperity Place building, which opened this year in Chinatown. By the end of the process, we had received a total of 12,000 applications — for just 71 new affordable apartments. Behind each and every one of those applications... View article
July 2017

Swan’s Market Celebrates 100 Years

From Oakland Post
The East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) will host a celebration Friday, July 21, and Saturday, July 22, to mark 100 years of Swan’s Market, a registered historical building and renowned community gathering place in Old Oakland featuring commercial space, a food hall, and affordable housing. “Swan’s Market is a hallmark development for us and for Oakland,” said Joshua Simon, EBALDC executive director. Located at 510 Ninth St., Swan’s Market is a multi-faceted space with award-winning restaurants, community nonprofit organizations, service-oriented businesses, and affordable housing, all in one walking- and... View article