Embracing Unity: Life and Gratitude in EBALDC’s Lion Creek Crossings

At EBALDC’s Lion Creek Crossings, senior resident Li Gao—also known as Lily—greets each day with gratitude for the safe and supportive community she has found there. Says Lily:
I live in the same building with people of all nationalities in the world…. Every day we meet, we say hello and care for each other. I’ve made this place my home. We actively participate in public welfare activities within our ability. More importantly, we have a coordinator, Ms. Phung, who treats us even better than our own children. No matter how big or small our problem may be, she will help us solve it with enthusiasm and kindness. Everyone can live here with peace of mind, take a walk every day, play mahjong, and bask in the sun…. Managers of all levels are also working hard for our best interests. Basic necessities of life have gradually been improved to a good level. I am grateful for this harmonious community, the beautiful environment, the coordinator who is like a family member, and the managers at all levels who work hard for our sake.
As the weather gets colder and the days grow shorter, EBALDC is proud to provide the warmth of home to so many Oaklanders. Will you join us in supporting the comforts of home for our East Bay community members?