
Property Description

Phoenix Apartments is a 101-unit apartment building, located at 811 and 821 Pine Street Oakland CA 94611.  The Project is an affordable permanent rental housing community for extremely low-income to low-income.


How to Apply

Applications to be considered for the lottery can be completed on the EBALDC housing portal at   Applications who are unable to access and complete the application through the online portal may our leasing office at 510-306-1621 to request a reasonable accommodation or modification during the published period of the open waiting lottery period.

Pre-applications to be considered for the lottery can be completed on EBALDC housing portal at   Applicants who are unable to access and complete the pre-application through the online portal may call our leasing office at 510-306-1621 to request a reasonable accommodation or modification during the published period of the open waiting lottery period.  Paper pre-applications will be available online to print.  Paper pre-applications must be mailed to 1825 San Pablo Ave #200 Oakland CA 94106 Attn: Phoenix.   Paper pre-applications will be available to pick up at 1825 San Pablo Ave #200 Oakland at these times: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 from 10 am to Noon and Wednesday, April 9th, 2025 from 1pm to 3pm. Paper pre-applications must be mailed to 1825 San Pablo Ave #200 Oakland. Pre-applications must be received by deadline.


Referral units:

Fifty (50) units will be restricted as Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) to persons experiencing or at risk of homelessness with special needs. Forty-nine (49) of these units are restricted to households with incomes at or below 30% AMI and one (1) unit is restricted to households at or below 50% AMI. Unit types available to PSH households include 41 studios, 1 one-bedroom and 7 two-bedrooms; All referrals for occupancy to those forty-nine (49) Permanent Supportive Housing (PHS) Units will be made through the Alameda County Health homeless Coordinated Entry System pursuant to the Implementation Policies (the “CES Units”).

If you are matched to Phoenix, please submit materials to

Eligibility is income-restricted in accordance with the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program, as well as other funding program requirements.

Applicable languages: Spanish, Chinese

Phoenix- Flyer 2025 Non-Referral Units

Phoenix- Flyer 2025 CES units 3.10.2025

Phoenix Tenant Selection Plan