Seniors Gather to Bring Age-Friendly Improvements to San Pablo Ave.

More than 80 seniors, partners, nonprofits and neighbors came to discuss age-friendly improvements to the neighborhood at our Age-Friendly Summit on July 10. We learned that several of seniors were already active in this work, even before they heard of the term “age-friendly.” EBALDC’s Age-Friendly Communities project is part of a global effort initiated by groups like the World Health Organization and our funder, the Age-Friendly Communities Fund of the TIDES Foundation. Seniors have already begun advocating for moving bus stops , more affordable senior housing, continued and better public transit options, improved food access, safer streets, and more public spaces.
At the Summit, attendees shared great ideas for action and improvements. We’re accepting mini-grant applications to fund some of these ideas and get them off the ground!
Special thanks to the seniors who actively participated, East Bay Housing Organizations, People’s Grocery, Councilmember Lynette McElhaney, St. Mary’s Senior Center, and our fantastic volunteers and EBALDC staff who created a place for collaboration and action for more Age-Friendly and healthy neighborhoods.