Swan’s Market Celebrates 100 Years

Published by East Bay Express
July 2017
A large number of people probably think of Swan’s Market as the place in Old Oakland where you go to get really, really good fried chicken. But there is much more to Swan’s than Miss Ollie’s — or AS B-Dama, Cosecha, or the other seven quality eateries that make up the food hall. It’s also a bastion of affordable housing and home to non-profits. Not to mention it’s old. Like, 100 years old. Don’t miss the celebration on Friday, July 21 from 4 to 8 p.m., because it’s not every day you have the opportunity to hit up a Bay Area food destination’s centennial. It also promises free cake from Delicieuse Princesse Bakery, plus beer, wine, and specials from Swan’s restaurants.
July 21, 510 9th St, Oakland, swansmarket.com
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