August 2019

EBALDC stands with immigrant communities against the Trump Administration’s latest attack on legal immigrants

Housing stability is a key factor in people’s overall health and wellbeing. Yesterday (August 14), the Trump Administration released its final changes to the “public charge” rule. These changes will effectively subject millions of immigrants living in this country to the possibility of deportation if they ever used or were deemed likely to use government benefits to help their families meet basic needs, like Medicaid, food stamps, and non-cash housing assistance. The changes will compel many immigrants to give up lifeline assistance that keep their families one step away from homelessness,... Read more
May 2019

Statement on HUD/Public Housing Restrictions

As an organization dedicated to serving all people of the East Bay, regardless of their immigration status, EBALDC fiercely opposes a proposed rule by the Department of Housing and Urban Development that would use immigration status to deny access to public housing assistance. The proposed rule would require expanded use of the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program, which is used to verify individuals’ immigration and citizenship status. In doing so, the Trump administration is sowing fear among all of our immigrant communities. If implemented, this rule could lead to... Read more