Get Your Refund Virtual Platform Process

The entire tax return preparation will be completed remotely by our VITA team.

Step 1 Review our list of all tax related documents we’ll need to prepare your tax return.
Step 2 Fill out all client forms. These can be completed digitally or by handwriting. Please do not skip this step, it will only delay completing your tax return.
Step 3 Scan or take clear legible pictures of all documents and forms.
Step 4 Upload your documents and forms to the Get Your Refund (GYR) virtual platform.

*Please note: If you made more than $66,000 in 2023, we will still complete your tax return. Please DO NOT check this box:

Step 5 Our VITA Team will complete your tax return in approximately one week. We will notify you by text and phone call. You can provide any questions or concerns on the GYR virtual platform.

Contact Us

If you’re experiencing issues with our GYR platform, please contact us a We’ll respond within 72 hours.

Changed Your Mind?

Schedule a drop-off and go or in-person appointment with us!