We are hosting VITA at two locations this season:

Asian Resource Center Lion Creek Crossings
310 8th Street, Suite 101, Oakland, CA 94607

Near Merritt BART station.

Wednesday & Thursday, 2-6:30pm
Saturday, 10:30am-4:30pm

885 69th Avenue, Suite 100, Oakland, CA 94621

Near Coliseum BART station, across from the Dallaq Market.

Thursday, 2-6:30pm
Saturday, 10:30am-4:30pm

Select Below To Make A Drop-Off & Go Appointment
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Drop-Off & Go Thursday: Drop-Off & Go
Saturday: Drop-Off & Go Saturday: Drop-Off & Go

Drop-Off and Go Appointment Process

Please review a list of all tax related documents we’ll need to prepare your tax return. Fill out all client forms. These can be completed digitally or by handwriting. If you do not have access to a printer, we can provide you with forms to fill out at your appointment. EBALDC’s VITA Team will be in contact with you about any necessary follow-up such as returning to sign and pick-up your completed tax return. For those with a working email address, you can inform us to sign off and receive your tax return by email to avoid a second visit to our tax site.