Building on What Works: Cross Sector Community Development – Volume 12, Issue 1

Published by Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
September 2017

This year marks the fifth anniversary of Investing in What Works for America’s Communities: Essays on People, Place & Purpose, a book jointly published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) in 2012. What Works brought together over forty authors from across sectors and disciplines to explore the past, present, and future of community development. Despite their varied expertise and backgrounds, many of the authors made similar calls to action for cross-sector approaches that focus on the integration of both people- and place-based interventions. What Works gave rise to three subsequent books and, collectively, the series has sparked new dialogue and partnerships across the country, challenging readers to be bold and ambitious in upending the status quo and reimagining how our nation can foster opportunity for all.

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