A new and powerful work of art at the San Pablo Hotel

April 2021

East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation

45 Stories for 45 Years

Contributor: Jahahara Alkebulan-Maat, Former San Pablo Hotel resident

Blessings of IMANI (FAITH) Beloveds!  For decades, in our reparations, and now our Black Lives Matter movements, we have developed a slogan and call-and-responses that has everyone shout-out the names of our Ancestors. You may hear everyone from youth to Elders, from the not-so-well-known to the popular call: #SAYTHEIRNAMES or, #SAYHERNAME or, #SAYHISNAME!  Ase’.

With that in mind, many residents of the San Pablo Hotel — where I lived for several years until very recently — and youth, neighbors and even friends of mine have asked me “Who is that?” in reference to the images of current residents, as well as Ancestors Yuri Kochiyama, civil rights leader, and Andrew Hatch, once the world’s oldest man — both former residents of the San Pablo Hotel themselves. 

When EBALDC staff told us they were going to renovate the San Pablo Hotel they also informed us about the mural to celebrate the legacy of the building and this historic neighborhood. As residents, we had the great honor of being included from the start: in the initial vision, development, planning and production of this powerful work of art.  

Working closely with Sister Annie Ledbury of EBALDC, the Bay Area Mural Project (BAMP), and artist Brother Rtystk from Kiss My Black Arts, we collectively were able to create a beautiful tribute to the HXSTORY and COMMUNITY of our neighborhood. This included current and past residents, notably the Baba (Father) of Queen Mother Delaine Sims, Mr. Andrew Hatch, alongside Brother Eddie Kochiyama and Audee Kochiyama Holman, the children of our beloved Mama Yuri Kochiyama. And, while initially very reluctant, I agreed to have my image included on the wall. This is truly one of highest honors of my nearly seven decades of life.

Through EBALDC’s leadership, I know we will be inspired not only to #SAYTHEIRNAMES, but also, inspire others, particularly our young people, to do research and learn more about these incredible Ancestors and their many contributions to bettering our society. Asante Sana (Many Thanks and Appreciation) for this opportunity to help build a more connected community through art. Ase’. Amen. And, so tis.

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