Dear Friends
November 2020

Unity Wins

Dear Friends, This election felt deeply personal to me. And with 160 million people voting, the highest percentage turnout in the last 100 years, it felt personal to many of us. We voted like our lives depended on it. For EBALDC, the vision of building healthy, vibrant, and resilient neighborhoods here in Oakland the East Bay was definitely at stake. In the end, the message of UNITY for our country and prioritizing a national  response to the  coronavirus, economic recovery, criminal justice reform, systemic racism, and the climate crisis prevailed. CONGRATULATIONS... Read more
Dear Friends
October 2020

Greetings from Charise Fong, Interim CEO

Dear Friends, Today is Joshua Simon’s last day as CEO of EBALDC. All of us here at EBALDC thank him for his 20 years of service and leadership in so many different roles. I have had the privilege of working in partnership with Josh these past eight years as EBALDC launched our Healthy Neighborhoods approach. During this time, EBALDC has grown and deepened our impact in the communities we serve. Our Healthy Neighborhoods approach is grounded in our 45-year old core values of centering racial equity and a deeply held belief... Read more