Commercial Real Estate
March 2020

EBALDC Statement on Discrimination and Hate Crimes

The East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) works with and for all the diverse populations of the East Bay to build healthy, vibrant and safe neighborhoods through community development.  We are disturbed by reports of discrimination and hate crimes towards Asian and Asian American populations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we have consistently stated to the communities we serve, there is no racial, ethnic, or cultural basis for the disease. Xenophobia has no place in this important work. Indeed, xenophobia only inhibits our ability to ensure our... Read more
Dear Friends
March 2020

We will get through this, together.

Dear EBALDC Friends and Family, We hope that this message finds you healthy and well. The East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) wants you to know that your support and partnership is and has always been vital to the residents and clientele that we serve. You are and have always been essential to our mission of building healthy neighborhoods for all. Thank you, many times over. Because of your key role, we want to share information with you about how the regional shelter in place order across the six Bay... Read more
March 2020

UPDATED EBALDC Statement on the Coronavirus 3-12-20

We are in a rapidly changing environment in the Bay Area in terms of coronavirus (COVID-19). In light of increases in the number of community transmission cases, and updated recommendations from the Alameda County Public Health Departments and the Center for Disease Control, EBALDC is instituting the following changes to our regular business operations at all of our properties and service locations effective immediately (and to be re-evaluated in 30 days): Cancellation of community/resident events; Closure of community rooms in residential buildings and conference rooms in commercial buildings; We will continue... Read more
March 2020

EBALDC Statement on the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As news of the coronavirus and its effects spread, EBALDC stands with our residents who represent the richness in diversity of Oakland in the face of misinformation and racial profiling around the virus. To prevent any potential infection, we urge everyone to receive information from credible sources, including the Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, and the Alameda County Public Health Department. We also urge everyone to have a basic understanding of coronavirus: Symptoms: Fever and dry cough Prevention: Wash hands with liquid soap and water and rub for at least 20 seconds;... Read more
March 2020

Preserving Oakland as the Vibrant, Diverse, Inclusive City it is Today Through Our Housing Acquisition Fund

“Our long-term vision is for an Oakland that works for everyone, particularly the residents that have made it the vibrant, diverse, inclusive city it is today.” – Joshua Simon, CEO of East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC).  Achieving this vision for Oakland will require all of us to think differently about how to tackle the affordable housing crisis we’re facing. That’s why in 2015, EBALDC launched the Housing Acquisition Fund — an innovative and replicable new model for preserving and expanding quality affordable housing in Oakland.  We are excited to... Read more
January 2020

EBALDC Responds to Public Charge Ruling

On Monday, January 27, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of allowing the Trump Administration to enforce its draconian changes to the “public charge” rule. Expanding the definition of a “public charge” will subject millions of legal immigrants living in this country to the possibility of deportation if they ever used, or were deemed likely to use, government benefits to help their families meet basic needs like Medicaid, food stamps, and non-cash housing assistance. East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation strongly opposes the Supreme Court’s decision to... Read more
December 2019

7 Tips for Year-End Giving by Ted Dang, EBALDC Co-Founder

  Here are a few tips for getting the most benefit from your contribution to EBALDC and any other charities you’ll be making gifts to this year – whether or not you will be itemizing deductions in 2019. If you will be itemizing (that means you will probably have at least $24,000 in property tax, qualified mortgage interest, medical expenses and charitable contributions) you can still deduct the full amount of when you give cash to any qualified charity. However, if you have appreciated securities by giving those directly to EBALDC... Read more
September 2019

EBALDC Honors Oakland Leaders Working to Ensure that All People Lead Healthy, Vibrant Lives

OAKLAND, CA — The East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC) will host its Annual Gala on September 13 to celebrate nearly 45 years of building equitable, healthy neighborhoods. The anniversary event also will recognize the achievements of EBALDC’s gala honorees whose work strengthens Oakland’s community fabric so all residents can belong and thrive.  “Our work would be impossible without the vision and perseverance of these leaders,” said Joshua Simon, executive director of EBALDC. “Thoughtful partnerships that lift up and leverage the diverse expertise of individuals and organizations are critical to... Read more
September 2019

Da’Layjah Washington Shows What’s Possible When Young People Lead

From EBALDC staff
Every month at Lion Creek Crossings (LCC) in East Oakland, markers and chart paper in hand, a group of young people ages 13-21 gather to discuss a book they’ve just read. The book club was founded by 16-year-old Da’Layjah Washington, a youth leader who calls the affordable housing community in Coliseum Gardens home. During the meetings, book club members take notes and share their reflections to post on the wall. They talk, laugh, and debate over dinner and dessert. They grapple with difficult issues and conversations, like they did when reading... Read more
August 2019

EBALDC stands with immigrant communities against the Trump Administration’s latest attack on legal immigrants

Housing stability is a key factor in people’s overall health and wellbeing. Yesterday (August 14), the Trump Administration released its final changes to the “public charge” rule. These changes will effectively subject millions of immigrants living in this country to the possibility of deportation if they ever used or were deemed likely to use government benefits to help their families meet basic needs, like Medicaid, food stamps, and non-cash housing assistance. The changes will compel many immigrants to give up lifeline assistance that keep their families one step away from homelessness,... Read more