EBALDC Celebrates Groundbreaking at East 12th Street

It’s only been a week, but all the positive energy from EBALDC’s Groundbreaking Celebration of East 12th Street project and the first public introduction of our incoming CEO Janelle Chan on April 23rd is still with us!
Thank you to the nearly 300 people who joined us to uplift our 16 funding and transit partners:
Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit)
Alameda County Health Care Services Agency
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)
California Debt Limit Allocation Committee
California Municipal Finance Authority
California Tax Credit Allocation Committee
Century Housing
City of Oakland HCD, EWD, and DOT Departments
Enterprise Community Investment, Inc
LISC Bay Area
NeighborWorks Capital
Oakland Housing Authority
San Francisco Foundation
State HCD Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG)
Strategic Growth Council and State HCD Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities Grant (AHSC)
A special thanks to our development partners – The Unity Council and Jordan Real Estate Investments. As BIPOC-led and Oakland home-grown developers, we have a deep commitment and a personal stake to provide housing to all those who wish to make Oakland home and make our community special. A deep gratitude to our emcee, Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas, and our event sponsors, PYATOK architecture + urban design and JH Fitzmaurice.
After the formal program, guests enjoyed nourishment from 4 neighborhood food businesses: Chai Thai Noodles, Tacos Mi Rancho, Admas Ethiopian Restaurant, and Colonial Donuts, caught up with friends and colleagues, took multiple “shovel shots”, and browsed through our 40-page event program that recognized all 478 project team members.
From the beginning, EBALDC has wanted to bring 91 units of 100% affordable homes to this site – an opportunity-rich neighborhood close to public schools, libraries, public transit, open spaces, and commercial corridors. One of the first Measure U affordable housing projects to break ground, the EBALDC and the East 12th Street team look forward to welcoming Oaklanders to their new homes in a couple of years!
Missed the event or want to relive the moment? Check our photos!
Photo credit: Gabriella Escobar
Visit here for details of East 12th Street.