EBALDC Food Distribution Program Celebrates Its Volunteers!

October 2023

EBALDC Food Distribution Program Celebrates Its Volunteers!

On Thursday, October 12th, EBALDC staff and volunteers for the Food Distribution Program got together at local eatery Oakland Café to celebrate their hard work. The program, which came together out of a need identified early in the Covid-19 pandemic, primarily serves seven affordable housing sites in Downtown Oakland and Oakland Chinatown and provides nourishing food to over 1000 low-income residents. Many of the residents are also immigrants who speak English as a second language. This program serves over 370 households each month. 

Lily Hu, Resident Services Manager for Chinatown, said: “We are proud of everything the volunteers have done to serve the community with the food distribution, starting from the pandemic through today.” Lily noted that all of the program’s current volunteers are seniors and almost all of them are EBALDC residents.

To learn more about the origins of the program, go to our website here.

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